發布日期: 2025-03-07 15:46:24 / 汪暐嵐
組課當中,我們將會植入多元智能為理論基礎,並實作 5 分鐘課程設計模組來重新組織學習經驗,並將其轉化為「課程設計」。
Professional developments place an important role for teachers in our career path. Our role model as a ‘life-long learner’ for our students will influence how they fuel their learning drive for everything in this world. The purpose of this course is to empower teachers to see ourselves as ‘learners’ and transfer/translate our learning experience based on individuals’ learning needs. Throughout this course, we will implement multiple intelligences (Howard Gardner, 1983) and 5-min lesson template to reorganize our ‘learning experience’ and transfer into ‘instructional design’.
1. 學習判斷學習資源的能力 The ability to identify learning resources.
2. 學習資源整合的能力 The ability to integrate learning resources.
3. 多元智能融合課程設計的能力 The ability of being aware of multiple intelligneces while desigining a lesson or a course.
4. 收縮發散學習並轉譯體驗的能力 The ability of transfering the experience of learning into instructions

組課當中,我們將會植入多元智能為理論基礎,並實作 5 分鐘課程設計模組來重新組織學習經驗,並將其轉化為「課程設計」。
Professional developments place an important role for teachers in our career path. Our role model as a ‘life-long learner’ for our students will influence how they fuel their learning drive for everything in this world. The purpose of this course is to empower teachers to see ourselves as ‘learners’ and transfer/translate our learning experience based on individuals’ learning needs. Throughout this course, we will implement multiple intelligences (Howard Gardner, 1983) and 5-min lesson template to reorganize our ‘learning experience’ and transfer into ‘instructional design’.
1. 學習判斷學習資源的能力 The ability to identify learning resources.
2. 學習資源整合的能力 The ability to integrate learning resources.
3. 多元智能融合課程設計的能力 The ability of being aware of multiple intelligneces while desigining a lesson or a course.
4. 收縮發散學習並轉譯體驗的能力 The ability of transfering the experience of learning into instructions

2025-03-07 15:46:04