
發布日期: 2019-07-30  /  System

「2018 實驗教育國際研討會」的圖片搜尋結果


1960年畢業於日本愛知學藝大學,擔任兩年的國中教師後,進修名古屋大學研究所。1970年至美國威斯康辛大學研究所留學的同時,也在當地小學服務任教。1973年開設紐約日本人學校。回日本後上任國立教育研究所所長、上智大學教授、名古屋女子大學教授、美國教育學會前會長。前陣 以「個性化教育」作為目標,主要以日本全國擁有開放空間的學校為中心進行學校改革之任務。



Katō Kōji (Professor Emeritus of Education, Sophia University, Japan)

Professor Yuki Graduated from Aichi University of Science and Technology in Japan in 1960 and served as a national teacher for two years while studying at the Graduate School of Nagoya University. While studying at the University of Wisconsin in the United States in 1970, he also taught at a local elementary school. In 1973, he founded the New York Japanese School.

After returning to Japan, he has served as the director of the National Institute of Education, a professor at Sophia University, a professor at Nagoya Women's University, and a former president of the American Institute of Education. His goal of late has been to promote "individualized education," to push forward Japanese educational reform by focusing upon developing schools with open spaces.

The topic of his keynote will be: “The Essence of Multigrade Education from the Perspectives of Differentiation and Individualization”


Effectiveness and Outcomes of Experimental Education, ICEE 2019

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摘要繳交 2019年8月30日 (五)  前
審查通過通知       2019年9月12日 (四)  前     
全文繳交期限 2019年11月15日 (五)  前
研討會舉行      2019年12月7-8日 (六-日)    
