ICEE 2020 Agenda

Post Date: 2020-12-02  /  
4th International Conference on Experimental Education 2020

Theme: Public-Private Partnership and Alternative Education
Date: Dec. 19th -20th, 2020 (Sat.-Sun.)
Venue: National ChengChi University
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Experimental Education Center

In the end of year 2014, Legislative Yuan in Taiwan passed three Acts for Experimental Education, turning over a new leaf in the history of Taiwan's compulsory education. Experimental Education in Taiwan is a rich, complex concept which refers to non-traditional education or non-mainstream education, also absorbing the philosophy of alternative education, innovative education and homeschooling. Its original purpose is to encourage educational innovation, secure children's right to learn and receive education services, provide parents with multiple educational choices, and enhance the diverse development in education.

As a role of promotion, Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC) established by Ministry of Education in Taiwan has held the international conferences for past three years to introduce numerous innovative ideas abroad and share diversed experiences around the world. Now, we want to invite interested scholars and researchers to gather and share about "Public-Private Partnership and Alternative Education". Public-private partnership in educational services is core of trend for educational reform in several countries starting last centuries. This partnership involves co-operation between public education and private education service providers such as charter school, independent schools, free schools around the world. We are so grateful to invite four international-well-known scholars and practitioners as keynote speakers in this event. Dr. Vicky Colbert from Columbia, who found Fundación Escuela Nueva, is one of the keynote speakers. She is the Laureate of the first edition of the Yidan Prize for Education Development (2017), 2013 WISE Prize for Education Laureate. Besides, Prof. Angeline S. Lillard will be joining us in ICEE 2020 too. She is the elected fellow of American Psychological Association (APA) and Association for Psychological Science (APS). Her primary research interests are Montessori education and children's play. Besides, we are happy to have Dr.Karin Edmark from Stockholm University, Sweden. Dr. Karin Edmark is an economist specialized in applied microeconomics especially economics of education. Last but not the least, Mr. Simon Spry, a British experienced educational expert and currently Director of Learning Academies Trust will share his experience on school reforms in England with us in this event.

Day 1
2020.12.19 Saturday (Taipei local time GMT+8)
Time Agenda Venue
08:15-08:30 Registration Lounge
08:30-09:10 Dr. Vicky Colbert Keynote Speech 1
Escuela Nueva Activa: Quality Education for Equity, Citizenship and 21st Century Skills
Conference hall
09:10-09:30 Q & A Session- Chairperson: Dr. Selena Hsueh (Tamkang University)
09:30-09:40 Opening Ceremony Conference hall
09:40-10:10 Break  
Paper presentation (1A): Public-private Partnership and Teacher Development
Moderator: Prof. Yung-Chuan Fang (National Taiwan Normal University)
李森永博士 被遺漏的公私協力故事? 自發性教師專業發展社群參與課綱實踐的研究成果回顧與檢討 Conference hall
江淑真博士 教師領導的另一章?實驗學校教師領導的理論與實際
薛曉華博士 公私協力方式推動實驗教育師培多元化的可行性:以華德福師培為例的探究
Paper presentation (1B): Administration, execution and evaluation
Moderator: Dr. Hung-Chang Chen (National Taipei University of Education)
葉明政博士 再思學校型態實驗教育評鑑議題:以自我評鑑為討論焦點 Interactive lecture hall
林宥辰 台東地區學校型態實驗教育現況分析研究
人文國中小 老欉ê人文——18 年的天賦開展
11:50-13:10 Lunch break Lounge
13:10-15:10 Theme speech: Education reform, A perspective from Public-private Partnership
Moderator: Prof. Chin-Min Tang (National Chengchi University)
Prof. Meng-Chun Chin 偏遠地區公立中小學辦理實驗教育之契機與問題 Conference hall
Prof. Dian-Fu Chang 公私協力模式對實驗教育發展的影響
Prof. Shu-Tsin Lin 教育民營化的課題
 Q & A Sessions
15:10-15:30 Tea break Lounge
15:30-16:10 Dr. Karin Edmark Keynote Speech 2
Lessons from Sweden’s School Choice Reforms
Conference hall
16:10-16:30 Q & A Session- Chairperson: Prof. Shin-Jen Chang (National Taipei University of Education)
16:30-16:40 休息  
16:40-17:20 Simon Spry Keynote Speech 3
The Transformation of the English School System.......And has it actually made any real difference?
Conference hall
17:20-17:40 Q & A Session- Chairperson: Professor Jung-Cheng Chen (National Chengchi University)

Day 2
2020.12.20 Sunday (Taipei local time GMT+8)
Time Time Time
Registration Lounge
08:00-08:40 Prof. Angeline S. Lillard Keynote Speech 4
Montessori Education and Its Scientific Basis
Conference hall
08:40-09:00 Q & A Session- Chairperson: Professor Kang Lee (National Dong Hwa University)
09:00-09:20 Break  
09:20-11:00 Paper presentation (2A): Public-private partnership and local cooperation
Moderator: Prof. Yen-Hsin Chen (National Taichung University of Education)
劉育忠博士 在「不山不市」的土地上共栽出花:屏東公辦民營學校型態實驗教育的信、願、行—餉潭國小與慧光圓通普賢文教基金會的相遇與共創 Conference hall
張惠雯 公私協力,原住民語言復育:以〇〇實驗小學為例
顧瑜君博士 找回地方世界:實驗教育的偏鄉實踐路徑
Paper presentation (2B):Learning and development
Moderator: Prof. Ming-Chou, Liu (National Dong Hwa University)
鄔曙擎 中等教育階段實驗教育畢業生生涯進路 Interactive lecture hall
吳秋瑾 學習融入生活,親子共學自主學習(高雄暖暖蛇小學共學團五年實踐報告)
劉榮嫦 南河混齡的花朵,開在臺灣的土地上——五年偏鄉小校轉型陪伴的啟示
11:05-12:35 Experimental Education Carnival
Learning outcome sharing session of experimental education students.
Conference hall
12:35-13:30 Lunch break / Experimental Education Expo (13:15-16:30) Lounge
13:30-15:10 Paper presentation (3A): International dialogue for experimental educational innovation
Moderator: Prof. Wei-Min, Hsu (National Ping Tung University)
徐永康博士 探究英國公辦民營學校發展問題 Conference hall
李嘉年 瑞典與丹麥的擇校制度經驗
Paper presentation (3B):Innovative development of indigenous experimental education
Moderator: Prof. Wei-Chi Chung (National Kaohsiung Normal University)
羅允佳 蘭嶼中學民族實驗教育課程的多元評量行動研究 Interactive lecture hall
羅宜婷 部落圓舞曲:vuvu的記憶藏寶盒
胡克緯 觀光族語實驗課程研發的教學實踐與反思
林慧萍 從文化回應到文化相關教學的實踐─以KIST桃源國小為例
15:10-15:30 Tea break Lounge
15:30-16:30 Closing ceremony
Chairperson: Prof. Tung-Liao, Cheng (Principal Investigator of TEEC)
Conference hall
16:30- Farewell  