Accepted papers for ICEE 2017

Post Date: 2017-09-15  /  

Accepted papers for ICEE 2017

Below are the papers accepted for ICEE 2017. Those selected to participate are required to submit full papers and a brief CV (including name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation, and publication list) to [email protected] by 3rd November, 2017.
 Guidelines for manuscript:
1.    Manuscripts need to be submitted in A4 size .doc (MSWord) or .docx (MSWord 2007) format only.
2.    Full text for manuscript written in English is limited to 8000 words (12 point, Times New Roman) in APA or MLA format.
3.    Manuscripts has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
4.    Manuscripts accepted in this conference will be published after revised.
論文語言 Language 論文題目
First Author
中文 臺灣12年國民教育階段參與非學校型態實驗教育團體或機構自學生教育機會之現況及改變可能性分析。 宋依潔
中文 看見專業亮點—在家自學教師之反省性思考應用探討 張靜軒
中文 一位臺灣華德福學校教師專業發展圖像之探究-教育學傳記研究取向 凃柏章
中文 臺灣實驗教育師資需求及其培育制度 鄭同僚
中文 從山窮水盡到峰迴路轉---混齡教育在太興國小的經驗談 曾月照
中文 實驗教育課程二次解構與重構:從附加取向到社會行動取向 陳世聰
中文 讓實驗教育扎根於台灣偏鄉處境的人文生態路徑 顧瑜君
中文 駭客式學習:在家自學結合跨校學習之自我敘說研究 周秦璇
中文 中国大陆地区“在家上学”调查报告(2017) 王佳佳
中文 家長對其子女教育的參與程度:從“在家上學”到家長委員會 王斌
中文 傳統體制國民小學轉型公辦公營華德福教育學校之挑戰~以彰化縣民權國小為例 黃德祥
中文 尋找光照得進來的裂縫處:籌辦一所公立實驗教育國小的突圍與反省 黃志順
中文 地方層級學校型態實驗教育審議會之組織與運作初探 葉明政
中文 中國“創新小微學校”調查報告 楊晉
中文 非制式學習環境中戶外探索學習模組之探討 張百慈
中文 科學玩具競賽活動課程發展之探究-以臺北市X國小為例 帥繼華
中文 一起戲遊去─ 談趣創者理論在高中彈性選修課程的創意實踐 陳子梅
English Enhancing motivation for lifelong-learning through painting activities 陳慧玲
English Anytime, Anywhere Professional Education Jen Low
English Development of Intergenerational Model to Bridge Interaction Gap between the Elderly and Children 吴起盛
English Analysis of e-Learning Readiness State of the Faculty Members, Students, and Administration in a Public Higher Education Institution for the Adaptation of Blended Learning Christian M. Bana
English Comparison of traditional and computer-based instruction on the theme of recycling Deniz Canca
English Blended learning: an intervention approach for senior high school students Ma. Cecilia G. Adefuin
English Remembrane: An android based 3D augmented reality shooting game for history of andres bonifacio using boids flocking algorithm Fe L. Hablanida
English A Qualitative Study of: “Learning Experiences Indonesian Children in a Taiwanese Elementary School” Sitorus, Friska Ria
English Constructing inclusion: Exploring how a community of teacher educators ‘worked the space’ in an initial teacher education programme in Aotearoa New Zealand Leechin Heng
English A case study of tourism & hospitality management students on learning    experiences in international internship program Merle U. Ruiz
English Teaching Moral Education A Correlational Study of a Buddhist and a Public School Danesh Shams