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International Workshop Open for registration-Alternative and creative education: German's experiences

International Workshop Open for registration-Alternative and creative education: German's experiences

Post Date: 2025-03-07 15:46:19  /  Lee Chia Nian
Alternative and creative education: German’s experiences

Date: 17th to 19th March, 2023
Venue: College of Education National Chengchi University & The Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Chengchi University
Name Nationality Affiliation Position
Anja Kokemohr German Retired teacher Ph.D.
Hans‐Christoph Koller German University of Hambur Professor


1st Day (17th of March, 2023)
Venue: College of Education, National Chengchi Universiy
Time Agenda
09:40-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Opening ceremony
Forum 1:
Chair:Yung Kang Hsu
Panelist:Professor Hans‐Christoph Koller
Yung Kang Hsu
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Review of Prof. Kokemohr's efforts in Taiwan
By: Prof Ming-Shiang Ni
Forum 2:Prof. Kokemohr and his influence on education of Taiwan 1
Panelist: Prof Jason Chan
Speakers: Prof. Chao-yu Guo
Prof. Jason Chan
P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng
Tea break
Forum 3:Prof. Kokemohr and his influence on education of Taiwan 2
Panelist:Prof. Ming-Shiang Ni
Speakers:Prof. Shing-Shiang Ting
Prof. Hans‐Christoph Koller
Dr. Anja Kokemohr
16:30-17:00 Ceremony

2nd Day (18th of March, 2023)
Venue: College of Education, National Chengchi Universiy
Time Agenda
09:40-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Opening ceremony: P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng
10:10-12:00 Topic:Qualitative research of alternative education in German
Panelist:P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng
Speaker:Prof. Hans‐Christoph Koller
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:30 Topic:Sharing session of experimental education in Taiwan
Panelist:Prof. Hans‐Christoph Koller
Speakers:Taipei Xishan Experimental Elementary School
       Renoir Elementary School
       Humanity Primary and Junior High School
15:30-16:00 Disscusion
Panelists: P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng、Prof. Hans‐Christoph Koller

3rd Day (19th March, 2023)
Venue: The Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Chengchi University
Time Agenda
09:40-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Opening ceremony: P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng
10:10-12:00 Topic:Alternative art and music education in German
Speaker:Dr. Anja Kokemohr
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:30 Workshop: Alternative art and music education in German
Speaker: Dr. Anja Kokemohr
15:30-16:00 Discussion
Panelists: P. I. Assoc. Prof. Tung-Liao Cheng, Prof Jason Chan, Dr. Anja Kokemohr

Translation: Translation service is available. Participants need to bring their own headphones and smartphone to install App in order to listen to the translation channel.


Contact: Dr. Yung-Kang Hsu, Chia Nian Lee
Phone: 02-29387674
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Registration of International Workshop