International Conference 2022 open for registration
Post Date: 2025-03-07 15:46:16 / Lee Chia Nian

Registration of the 6th International Conference on Experimental Education
In the end of year 2014, Legislative Yuan in Taiwan passed three Acts for Experimental Education, turning over a new leaf in the history of Taiwan's compulsory education. Experimental Education in Taiwan is a rich, complex concept which refers to non-traditional education or non-mainstream education, also absorbing the philosophy of alternative education, innovative education and homeschooling. Its original purpose is to encourage educational innovation, secure children's right to learn and receive education services, provide parents with multiple educational choices, and enhance the diverse development in education.
As a role of promotion, Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC) established by Ministry of Education in Taiwan has held the international conferences for past five years to introduce numerous innovative ideas abroad and share diversed experiences around the world. Now, we want to invite interested scholars and researchers to gather and share about "Teacher training of alternative education in Asia".
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Deepti Priya Mehrotra (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India)
G. Gautama (Director, Palar Centre for Learning of Krishnamurti Foundation India)
Distinguished Professor Graham Hingangaroa Smith (The Toi Ihorei Chair, Massey University, New Zealand)
Dr. Pham Ngoc Dinh (Former Director, Viet Nam Escuela Nueva, Vietnam)
Prof. Chung-hsi Lin, President, National Academy for Educational Research
Theme: Teacher training of alternative education in Asia
Date: Dec. 10th -11th, 2022 (Sat.-Sun.)
Language: Chinese, English, Vietnamese (Simultaneous translation by Webex App available for keynote speeches. please prepare your own headset to listen. For online participants, please check your email for the Webex link to join keynote speeches sessions.)
Venue: Art and Culture Center, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Registration fee: Free (Lunch on own expenses and lunch box can be ordered)
Participants: Researchers, scholars, students and public.
Registration link:
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Experimental Education Center

時間Time | 活動、講者、題目 Event, speaker, title | ||||||
08:30-08:50 | 報到 Registration | ||||||
08:50-09:00 | 開幕儀式 Opening Ceremony:教育部潘文忠部長致辭Dr. Pan, Wen-Chung, The Minister of Education 國立政治大學李蔡彥校長致辭Dr. Tsai-Yen Li, President, National Chengchi University |
09:00-09:40 | Prof. Graham Hingangaroa Smith | 專題講座(1) Keynote Speech 1 The Development of Maori Immersion Schooling in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Implications for Teacher Education |
09:40-10:00 | 討論環節 Q & A | ||||||
10:00-10:10 | 休息 Break | ||||||
10:10-10:50 | 林崇熙院長 Prof. Chung-hsi Lin |
專題講座(2) Keynote Speech 2: TBC |
10:50-11:10 | 討論環節 Q & A 主持人: 政大教育學系陳榮政系主任 | ||||||
11:20-12:00 | G. Gautama | 專題講座(3) Keynote Speaker 3 Teaching in a time of rapid changes |
12:00-12:20 | 討論環節 Q & A 主持人 | ||||||
12:20-13:30 | 休息 Lunch | ||||||
13:30-15:10 | 論文發表/實務報告1A:幼兒與藝術教育 主持人:臺師大教育學系方永泉系主任 地點: |
實務報告1B:中學實驗教育 主持人:國北教大教育學系黃永和系主任 地點: |
論文發表1C: 實驗教育師資培育現場觀察I 主持人: 臺師大林逢祺教授 地點: |
林美玲 | 遊戲中的教師:幼兒園教師圖像的喚醒、觸動與創造意義 | 夏豪均 | 跨領域課程的教師培訓-以高中階段為例 | 施靜茹 | 蒙特梭利師資培育研究 | ||
張妤甄 | 教學上的風景—以繪畫創作帶領實驗教育工作者窺探教學歷程 | 尤四維 | 實驗教育中失落的拼圖-師資培育與教師專業發展 | 洪嘉音 | 破繭:一般公立學校轉型蒙特梭利教育的師資準備 | ||
鄧偉廸 | 2022仲夏師陪之夢—幼兒教育美學在人之初 | 林彥宏 | 學子遠去,又見歸來--談原來學苑國語文教師「覺之師培」的實踐 | 甘世旻 | 在傳統與創新中求融合-以蒙特梭利師資為例 | ||
15:10-15:20 | 休息 | ||||||
15:20-17:00 | 論文發表/實務報告2A:原住民族與實驗教育 主持人:原住民族課發西區中心葉川榮主任 地點: |
論文發表2B: 教師專業發展 主持人:高師大教育學系丘愛鈴系主任 地點: |
論文發表2C: 實驗教育師資培育現場觀察II 主持人:中央大學許宏儒副教授 地點: |
康亞凡索 | 有身 有心 有靈:培育一位南島民族老師之敘說 | 張暒玟 | 公立學校型態實驗小學教師因應轉型蒙特梭利理念與教師專業發展歷程探究—以臺中市Z國小為例 | 謝宛芹 | 如何成為一位實驗中學的校長-以一所實驗國民中學為例 | ||
陳世聰 | 符應特定教育理念之教師領導專業成長模式 | 王暐婷 | 三十而立:一個實驗教育工作者的自我探索之路 | ||||
林慧萍 | 母親之河上的教育共創-以KIST桃源國小為例 | 劉育忠 (視訊) |
台灣實驗教育理想教師圖像之初探:以屏東縣實驗學校的陪伴與共學經驗為線索 | 陳俞均 | 初任教師在公立學校型態實驗國中發展敘說 | ||
17:00 | 第一天活動結束 End of 1st day event |

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