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ICEE 2021 Open registration

Post Date: 2025-03-07 15:46:03  /  
Registration of the 5th International Conference on Experimental Education

       Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC) established by Ministry of Education in Taiwan has held the international conferences for past four years to introduce numerous innovative ideas abroad and share diversed experiences around the world. Now, we want to invite interested scholars and researchers to gather and share about "Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on alternative education: global, local and rural perspectives". Alternative schools and rural schools face several challenges in current pandemic especially for the students in lock-downed areas struggling to access the educational services.

Keynote speakers:
Prof. Jonathan A. Supovitz (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Prof. Michael Corbett (Acadia University, Canada), Assoc. Prof. Hollie J. Mackey (North Dakota State University, USA), Prof. Kang Lee (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)

Theme: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on alternative education: global, local and rural perspectives
Date: Dec. 18th -19th, 2021 (Sat.-Sun.)
Language: Chinese, English (Simultaneous translation available for keynote speeches)
Venue: Online-conference (Link will be sent to you after registration)
Registration fee: FOC.
Participants: Researchers, scholars, students and public.
Registration link:
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Experimental Education Center