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Post Date: 2025-03-07 15:45:56  /  
4th International Conference on Experimental Education 2020
Call for Papers

Theme: Public-Private Partnership and Alternative Education
Date: Dec. 19th -20th, 2020 (Sat.-Sun.)
Venue: National ChengChi University
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Experimental Education Center
In the end of year 2014, Legislative Yuan in Taiwan passed three Acts for Experimental Education, turning over a new leaf in the history of Taiwan's compulsory education. Experimental Education in Taiwan is a rich, complex concept which refers to non-traditional education or non-mainstream education, also absorbing the philosophy of alternative education, innovative education and homeschooling. Its original purpose is to encourage educational innovation, secure children's right to learn and receive education services, provide parents with multiple educational choices, and enhance the diverse development in education.
As a role of promotion, Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC) established by Ministry of Education in Taiwan has held the international conferences for past three years to introduce numerous innovative ideas abroad and share diversed experiences around the world. Now, we want to invite interested scholars and researchers to gather and share about "Public-Private Partnership and Alternative Education". Public-private partnership in educational services is core of trend for educational reform in several countries starting last centuries. This partnership involves co-operation between public education and private education service providers such as charter school, independent schools, free schools around the world. Some of the examples gain insights and experiences from diversed alternative education and new education movement such as Montessori, Jenaplan, Waldorf, Escuela Nueva and others. 
Academic papers, educational practices report, technical report are accepted.

All topics related to the topics below are encouraged to submit.
Topics Examples
  1 Public-Private Partnership Privately managed public school, charter school, independents school, free school, education reforms, school choices, school vouchers, school financing etc.
  2 Alternative education, new education movement Montessori, Jenaplan, Waldorf, Escuela Nueva, new school, democratic school, alternative school, experimental education.

The acceptance quotas of academic paper and practical report will be distributed by the organizer according to the quality and quantity of submissions.

The official languages of the conference are English and Mandarin. Interested scholars and practitioners are invited submit an online application form ( and send the extended abstract including keywords to [email protected] before 28th August 11st September, 2020 (Friday). Electronic acknowledgements of submission will be sent to all submitters on receipt of the abstract. 

Important Dates
Abstract submission 28th August  11st September, 2020 (Friday)
Abstract acceptance notification 18th September, 2020 (Friday)
Full paper submissions 13th November., 2020 (Friday)
Conference date 19-20, December, 2020 (Saturday, Sunday)

Registration fee: Free of charge (Participants have to cover their own transport, accomodation and miscellaneous expenses)
※If you have any further queries, please contact the conference administrators by emails to [email protected]

click to register

Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC)
College of Education, National Chengchi University
No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan.
Tel / Fax:(02) 2938-7674
[email protected]
Contact person:Mr. Chia Nian, Lee