ICEE 2023 is opened for registration
Post Date: 2025-03-07 15:46:24 /

7th International Conference on Experimental Education 2023
Revitalizing rural schools: International experience on sustaining rural schools
In the end of year 2014, Legislative Yuan in Taiwan passed three Acts for Experimental Education, turning over a new leaf in the history of Taiwan's compulsory education. Experimental Education in Taiwan is a rich, complex concept which refers to non-traditional education or non-mainstream education, also absorbing the philosophy of alternative education, innovative education and homeschooling. Its original purpose is to encourage educational innovation, secure children's right to learn and receive education services, provide parents with multiple educational choices, and enhance the diverse development in education.
As a role of promotion, Taiwan Experimental Education Center (TEEC) established by Ministry of Education in Taiwan has held the international conferences for past four years to introduce numerous innovative ideas abroad and share diversed experiences around the world. Now, we want to invite interested scholars and researchers to gather and share about "Revitalizing rural schools: International experience on sustaining rural schools“
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Michael Corbett (Acadia University, Canada)
Prof. Hernán Cuervo (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Prof. Yasuyuki Tamai (Hokkaido University of Education, Japan)
Prof. Cath Gristy (University of Plymouth, UK)
PI. Tung-Liao Cheng (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Theme: Revitalizing rural schools: International experience on sustaining rural schools
Date: Dec. 16th -17th, 2023 (Sat.-Sun.)
Language: Chinese, English, Japanese (Simultaneous translation by Webex App available for keynote speeches. please prepare your own headset to listen)
Venue: National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Registration fee: Free (Lunch is optional and on your own expense)
Participants: Researchers, scholars, students and public.
Registration link:
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Experimental Education Center
2023.12.16 星期六 Saturday (Taipei local time GMT+8) | ||||
時間 Time |
活動、講者、題目Agenda, speaker, title | 地點 Venue |
09:00-09:30 | 報到 Registration | 大廳lobby | ||
09:30-09:40 | 開幕致詞 Opening ceremony | 演講廳 lecture hall |
09:40-10:20 | Michael Corbett | 專題講座(1) Keynote speech 1 Rural education in North America: Problems and opportunities |
演講廳 lecture hall |
10:20-10:40 | 討論環節 Q & A Chairperson 主持人:政治大學教育學院余民寧院長 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
10:40-11:00 | 休息 Break | |||
11:00-11:40 | 鄭同僚 | 專題講座(2) Keynote speech 2 善待還是虧待?對待台灣小校的另類觀點 Right treatment or mistreatment? An alternative perspective on Taiwan's small schools |
演講廳 lecture hall |
11:40-12:00 | 討論環節 Q & A Chairperson 主持人: 東華大學李崗教授 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
12:00-13:10 | 午餐Lunch | 南樓生活美食館(集英樓) Nanlou life & foods |
13:10-15:40 | 論文發表(1A) Paper presentation 1A主持人:台中教育大學陳延興教授 | |||
鄭漢文 | 從反結構出發的鄉村小校復育與創生以池上鄉萬安國小振興分校為例 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
蔡如薏 | 從留白到自主學習的村落教育:以道禾實驗教育學校為例 | |||
邱雅梅 | 空間領導在鄉村學校之應用與影響初探 | |||
顧瑜君 | 接應受苦師生的在地課程支持網絡 | |||
論文發表(1B) Paper presentation 1B主持人:淡江大學教育學院陳國華院長 | ||||
張清淵 | 田園創生運動:鄉村小學體育發展與校本特色設計探索--以雲林縣某農村小學為例 | Room 270309 教室 |
張暒玟 | 鄉村小校裁併與復育之探究-以臺中市兩所實驗教育與教育實驗學校為例 | |||
康亞凡索 | 百年原鄉教育的創新與實驗:敘說花蓮縣港口國小的生存之道 | |||
陳世聰 | 學校型態實驗教育師資蛻變之舞:轉變歷程與策進 | |||
15:40-16:00 | 休息Break | |||
16:00-16:40 | Cath Gristy | 專題講座(3) Keynote Speech 3 Education, schools and their communities: Patterns of change in rural Europe and the UK |
演講廳 lecture hall |
16:40-17:00 | 討論環節 Q & A Chairperson 主持人: 中正大學教育學院鄭瑞隆院長 | |||
17:00- | 第一天活動結束 End of 1st day event | |||
2023.12.17 星期日 Sunday (Taipei local time GMT+8) | ||||
時間 Time |
活動、講者、題目Agenda, speaker, title | 地點 Venue |
09:10-09:40 | 報到 Registration | 大廳 | ||
09:40-10:20 | 玉井康之 | 專題講座(4) Keynote speech 4 日本的鄉村教育歷史和鄉村教育的政策 History and policies of rural education in Japan |
演講廳 lecture hall |
10:20-10:40 | 討論環節 Q & A Chairperson 主持人:臺東大學師培中心王前龍主任 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
10:40-11:00 | 休息 Break | |||
11:00-11:40 | Hernan Cuervo | 專題講座(5) Keynote speech 5 Towards a socially just rural education: The uses of distributive and recognitive justice |
演講廳 lecture hall |
11:40-12:00 | 討論環節 Q & A Chairperson 主持人: 高師大教育學院方德隆院長 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
12:00-13:10 | 午餐 Lunch | 南樓生活美食館(集英樓) Nanlou life & foods |
13:40-15:10 | 論文/報告發表(2A) Paper presentation 2A 主持人:台南大學陳致澄系主任 | |||
徐永康 | 鄉村小校教師對於主題式教學的觀點 | 演講廳 lecture hall |
楊智穎 | 校本課程帶動地方創生的台灣經驗:鄉村小校的個案研究 | |||
劉雅純 | 實驗小學的素養導向之課程設計以特色課一主題為例 | |||
高鈺淳 | 家長參與實驗教育課程之個案研究-以一所公辦實驗小學為例 | |||
報告發表(2B) Paper presentation 2B主持人:台中教育大學賴志峰系主任 | ||||
林曉君 | 鄉村教育政策與網路新聞報導之關係研究 ,以2018-2022年為期 | Room 270309 教室 |
許加豐 | 教育平等於台灣鄉村地區小學校的研究 | |||
黃咨甯 | 鄉村小校雙語藝術跨領域教學策略 | |||
林川又 | 偏鄉國中設計思考計劃之於創生地方文化的路徑探勘: 以"山上見羊學"主題探究偏鄉國中生使用平板工具與開源軟體之美感課程實踐為例 | |||
15:10-15:30 | 休息 Break | |||
15:30-16:30 | 綜合座談暨閉幕儀式 Closing ceremony 主持:鄭同僚計畫主持人、詹志禹協同主持人、各場主持人 |
演講廳 lecture hall |
16:30 | 結束 The end | |||
Contact person:
Chia Nian, Lee (Mr.)
TEL: (02)2938-7674
E-mail: [email protected]
Registration form
2025-03-07 15:46:04
2025-03-07 15:46:04